Mike Brost's Spot
on the Web.
About Me
Random Thoughts for Your Experience
What is Barswa?
Barswa is multiple things.

~It is a state of mind, that which you are at your most creative, or for an
ancient greek reference, it is that time you are being visited by a muse.

~It is a medieval kingdom floating around in my head, where you can still see a full night sky, dragons do exist and they're good people, and humanity is more in tune with the world than trying to tune the world to it.

~It presently hosts what I did for class, as well as a couple pictures on the About Me page.

Your very welcome to come in and stay awhile.
Site of the Moment
Real Life
An online web comic drawn and written by Greg Dean.  Probably the only place to go for monoliths, muffins, time travel, holograms, over-clocked hamsters, swords, and the forum that's infested with a bunch of loons.  All under the name, Real Life!
I'm nothing more than what you think I am, if the world is only what you see.
Do you feel with your heart or your mind?
Real Life Comics
Lost in your eyes, its hard to be wise.
Comic Review
I feel with my mind, it's just that it has a heart.
Last Updated: June 5th, 2004