*The trio rush outside*
(Pearl) Ok, guys, you know the drill.
*SE and Insight nod*
(Pearl) How are you doing, SE?
(SE) So far, I’m managing. I’m able to retain this form, but I don’t know how long that’s gonna last.
(Pearl) Think you can still fight?
(SE) Yeah...I think so. The faster we get this done with, though, the better.
(Pearl) Then let’s do it.
(Insight) Right. *Turns to the figure in the sky* Hey, Evil P, you’re going down!
(Evil P) Actually, I didn’t come here to fight.
(Insight) *narrowing her eyes* So you brought some friends who did.
(Pearl) Boy, do I have a bad feeling about this...
*Suddenly, a girl that looks exactly like Pearl appears in front of her, laughing evily*
(Pearl) It’s YOU!
(??????) *snickers, then kicks Pearl back into a large boulder*
(SE&Insight) Pearl!!
*From behind them, two figure appear, and grab them around the necks.*
(Evil P) What entertainment!
*Pearl flips up off the ground to face her attacker, dodging random bolts of energy thrown at her. Insight teleports out of her attacker’s grasp, while SE repeatedly smacks hers in the stomach, forcing him to drop her. The two turn around, preparing to attack, but their mouths drop.*
(Pearl) No...not...*crinkles nose in disgust* Evil Saiya-jin...my evil side...
(Insight) Piccolo??
(SE) Bardock???
(Evil P) *uncontrollable evil laughter*
Part 35
*ES and Pearl engage in serious battle, but neither appear to be winning. ES fires another highly concentrated beam of energy, which Pearl manages to duck under just in time, but not miss completely since it leaves a dark burn mark on her now exposed shoulder. She glances at it, briefly, then flies forward to ES, blowing her back with a punch. ES flies back but stops on a rock, then uses it as leverage and pushes forward. The two powers clash, and they zip all over the place, fist-fighting.*
(Pearl) How did YOU get here?
(ES) *smirks* That’s for me to know...but you won’t find out, since you’ll be DEAD!
(Pearl) *rolls eyes* Ok, now THAT was lame.
(ES) Shut up! *Punches Pearl head-on, who is flung back*
(Pearl) Why you...*spins around and high-kicks ES*
*Meanwhile, SE and Insight are fightin-er, dodging Bardock and Piccolo, who are relentless in their attacks, for no apparent reason.*
(SE) No! Bardock...what are you doing?
(Evil P) I convinced them to join us. They hate your guts.
(SE) *whimpers* No...Bardock? He’s lying...right Insight?
(Bardock) *snorting derisively* Sorry to burst your bubble, girl, but he’s right. *Throws a punch at SE, who barely dodges it*
(Insight) *dodges a thrust from Piccolo, then flips behind him, thrusting her own hand forward then knocking him down.* Maybe...maybe not. I’ll try a mind scan.... *concentrates, then a huge lightening bolt flashes to her head. She screams out in pain, and falls to the ground, breathing heavily, eyes squeezed shut*
(Piccolo) *grins wickedly* Think I wouldn’t have prepared for coming against a telepath? Don’t forget, I’m a Sensitive too...I just hit you with some highly concentrate mental energy. Ouch. *Walks over to her, and raises his foot high, with the intent of bringing it down on Insight.* SHI-NEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
*Suddenly, a brown flash whips by and pulls Insight out of the way, who is still shaking.*
(SE) Geez...you ok, Insight?
(Insight)......can’t....move....Head...ow...*with a gasp for air, Insight falls unconscious. For a split second, on Piccolo’s face appears an expression of...almost...pain.*
(SE) Uh-oh...Insight?? *shakes her*
(Bardock) Leave her be girl, you’re next! *Kicks SE, who is sent rolling in the dirt. A flash of sadness flashes across Bardock’s eyes briefly.*
*Pearl looks down to see SE and Insight both down*
(Pearl) Oh no! *In the lose of her concentration, ES lashes out and smacks her in the stomach. Pearl gasps for air, and ES uppercuts her high into the air, teleports up, and smashes her down. She gathers energy, in preparation to launch an attack...*
(Evil P) Oh...this is too good!!!
(??????) I’ll say!
Part 36
*Bardock flies forward to attack SE once more. She rises weakly to her knees, and looks up to see the oncoming assault. She hits the dirt, and Bardock whizzes overhead. He turns to look down at her and grins evily. He flies forward and punches down into the earth, barely missing SE, who rolls out of the way, then flips off the ground and leaps to her feet, getting in a ready position to face Bardock.*
(Bardock) You can’t dodge forever you know! What...afraid to fight me? *Shoots out a beam of energy*
(SE) *leaps over the beam, and lands on the ground unsteadily* Bardock, please! What have I done to hurt you? Why do you hate me?
*Bardock doesn’t respond, but flies forward, attacking SE, who is able to dodge most of them, but is clearly out of breathe from saving Insight then hitting the dirt. Bardock draws back and throws a powerful punch, and SE crosses her arms in front of her face in a desperate attempt to block the punch, but ends up flying back several feet, where she’s punched to the ground by Bardock. Piccolo looks on and grins, oblivious to the recovering Insight. She blearily manages to open her eyes, and sees SE about to be taken down by Bardock. She reaches for her waist, and pulls off a small device. She pushes herself onto her knee, and hurls it at Bardock, hitting him square in the back and latching on. Bardock turns and grins*
(Bardock) You think that will hurt me at ALL??? That was nothing more then a tap!
(Insight) Boot up!
*The machine flickers, and little lights flash over it.*
(Insight) Gravity level-500!!
*The machine hums, and suddenly Bardock falls to the ground, and presses into the earth, He tries to lift his head, but it snaps back into the dirt. He tries to move, but finds he can barely do even that.*
(Bardock) W...what have you done to me?
(Piccolo) Huh? *Looks down at Insight* You’ll pay for that!
*SE, reacting quickly, whistles in very high notes, and Piccolo clutches his ears in pain. Insight gets up weakly, and shakes her head to clear it.*
(Insight) Thanks again. *Heals SE*
**At the same time as all of this...**
*Pearl flies down to the earth at high speed, headfirst. She collects her thoughts and flips around and lands on the earth, but is nearly spent of energy. ES frowns, then lowers down to finish the job.*
(ES) I’ll finally be rid of your annoying self once and for all!! *Flies forward*
(??????) Wanna bet?
*A figure flies forward at high speed, and catching ES in utter surprise, and in weakness, since ES was pretty drained to, the shape draws back a hand and decks ES with a harsh blow, who falls unconscious.*
(??????) Hey, Pearl, you ok?
(Pearl) Goten?
(Goten) Sshhh...don’t talk. *Leans down and kisses Pearl lightly on the lips* You’ll be ok...I promise.
(?????) Don’t make promises you can’t keep!
*A women with flowing black hair and dark, evil eyes, flies down and confronts Goten, glowering angrily*
(Pearl) ...Mom??
(Evil P) Gotta’ love family reunions. *snickers*
Part 37
*Bardock is still on the ground, struggling under the weight of the gravity, and crying out in pain*
(SE) *shakily* Insight...I can’t stand this!
(Insight)*thinks* She’s gotta get her mind off him until this is sorted out... *out loud* Look, I’m going to read his mind, and see what’s going on. Try and distract Piccolo, ok?
(SE) Eep! Are you kidding? I’ve hardly had any training in this form...and Piccolo’s been training hard...he’s so much stronger now...how can I take him on?
(Insight) Hmmm...*snaps fingers* I know! Transform into cupid and do what SHE does best!
(SE) *eyes glitter* All right!
(Insight) One thing though...promise you WON’T hit him with one of your love arrows?
(SE) ..........
(Insight) SE...promise?
(SE) Fine...I promise. *Turns into Cupid Eevee*
(CE) Love lasts forever! BEEAAAUUUUTIIFUUULLLL!!!!!!
*Goten helps Pearl to her feet. Pearl casts an agitated look to her mom, who looks back angrily. Then Goten and Pearl’s mom stare at each other, sizing each other up. With Goten’s Saiya-jin blood, he can tell he’s looking forward to another battle. This time, an intense one.*
(Pearl) What are YOU doing here? How many unexpected guests did you bring, Evil P? And
(Evil P). ~Blah. Not telling.
(Goten) Look you...*grabs Evil P by the collar. Evil P smirks, and blows him back with blasts from his antennas. Pearl rushes to help him, then casts a furious glance at Evil P.*
(Pearl) Why you...you’ll pay for that!
(Cleea) I think there’s more PRESSING matters to deal with! *Flies forward, with an insane look in her eyes.*
Part 38
*CE begins flying around Piccolo, buzzing like a fly. She giggles, as Piccolo tries in vain to get her out of his face. Insight holds her hand over Bardock’s head, and begins scanning his mind. Within a split-second, she finds the exact source of the problem.*
(Insight) Yeerk!!!
(Piccolo&Bardock) *both freeze, then cast hateful glances to her.* Andalite!
(Insight) *grins* What do you mean? I don’t need a light, it’s the middle of the day! Hey, CE! They’re being controlled! That’s why they’re acting like this...they’re not themselves!
(CE) Well, that’s a relief! Hey, Piccolo!
*Piccolo turns to CE, angrily, and CE flies over and picks up a piece of red cloth, conveniently laid on the ground for no apparent reason, then waves it in front of him*
(CE) Torro, torro!!
(Piccolo) WHAT??? Why you.....
*Piccolo flies forward to CE, who moves out of the way just as he crashes head-first into a rock. Since it was a rather large rock, instead of just barreling through it, a loud CRACK is heard and he falls limp to the ground. CE giggles, then flies over to Insight, re-transforming into SE*
(Piccolo) @_@
(Evil P) HEY!!! YOU CAN’T DO THAT!!! How can you hurt your crushes?
(Insight) Simple. We didn’t. I hurt Bardock...SE hurt Piccolo.
(Evil P) Hmph!
(SE) And you’re going to pay for using them against us!
(Evil P) Are YOU challenging ME? *Falls over laughing* You’re WEAK!!!! YOU CAN’T HURT ME!!!
(Insight) *steps back* Ooooh boy....BIG mistake.
(Insight) HEY, that’s MY nick-name for him!
(Evil P)*Blushes* I think I’m gonna be sick...
(Insight) *winks* That’s the point.
(SE) FIRST YOU HAVE TO JUST SHOW UP, AND MAKE THE TIME CAPSULE EXPLODE BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO GET INTO A STUPID FIGHT, SINCE YOU’RE SUCH A BABY AND CAN’T TAKE CRITICISM. THEN, YOU MAKE MY EVIL SIDE FIGHT WITH YOU, SINCE YOU CAN’T HANDLE THEM ON YOUR OWN. YOU RUINED MY BARDOCK DRAWING, YOU’VE TAKEN MY BARDOCK AND YOU’RE CONTROLLING HIS MIND, AND NOW YOU’RE INSULTING ME BY CALLING ME WEAK????? I DON’T THINK SO!!!!!*with a cry of rage, SE bursts forward with incredible power, and blows Evil P back through several mountains. SE continues with a stream of punches and kicks, then ki blasts him. When she’s done, Evil P looks like ground mea-er...vegetable. SE “hmph’s” angrily, and storms off.*
(Insight) Ouch....
*At the same time...*
*Pearl and Goten are able to each block Cleea’s blows*
(Cleea) Come on, daughter dear! Join my side!
(Pearl) Sorry, mom, NO GO! ES isn’t a part of me anymore!
(Cleea) A pity. Oh well.*quickly ki blasts Pearl who easily blocks, but while Pearl is busy defending herself from the blast, Cleea uses the split-second advantage to sock Goten right in the stomach, then smash him in the face, right between his eyes. His nose begins bleeding and he clutches his face in pain. Cleea knocks him to the ground, just before Pearl goes nuts....*
Part 39
(Pearl) WHY...YOU... *Pearl yells out, throwing her head back as a tidal wave of energy flows around her. Insight grins, and cheers her on, SE turns to CE and claps happily. Pearl rushes forward, and lets out a beat rush with incredibly instensity and speed. Her mom doesn’t even have a shadow of hope, and when Pearl is done, Cleea drops to the ground, utterly defeated.*
(Goten) *struggles to get up, clearly in shock of what he saw* P...Pearl...
(Pearl) Goten!
*Pearl drops to his side, tenderly placing her hands on his chest* Are you all right?
(Goten) Yeah...I think so...*Pearl helps him to his feat, and he continues leaning on Pearl, his arm draped around her shoulder for support*
(Pearl) Hey, Insight, mind lending a hand?
(Goten) Huh?
(Insight) Sure. *Holds hands up, palms towards Goten. A vortex of energy flows in, and then flashes out against Goten, making his injuries fade away*
(Goten) O_O-!!!!!!!!!
(Pearl) Don’t try too hard to get what’s happening...I’m just glad you’re ok.
(Goten) And I’m glad you’re safe, as well. *Pulls Pearl to his chest and the two kiss deeply, a sense of passion filling the air.*
Teleport to part 8!