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Big Numbers

RebelFalcon couldn't decide whether to stay or go and joined in 85 times during this reporting period.
Lemdo-Lupin really wanted others to know what was doing - 419 descriptions alltogether.
 [23:16] * @Lemdo-Lupin cant wait till he hears the word "And now We Cross Live Accross the Nation to Big Ben"
The evil guard was Lemdo-Lupin who got this reputation after kicking out 22 persons.
 [23:37] <SUPREME-VAMPIRE> hey hey cho
[23:39] * SUPREME-VAMPIRE was kicked by Lemdo-Lupin (DON'T ask to be OPed! [-18-])

Also darkbeholder tried to look cool and kicked out 8 persons.

IV0-R0B0TNIK didn't get it on the first time and got kicked out for 13 times.
 [00:09] <+IV0-R0B0TNIK> hehe
[00:09] * IV0-R0B0TNIK was kicked by Lemdo-Lupin (-= Lamer Detected and REMOVED! =- [-28-])

Runner-up: RebelFalcon - got kicked 8 times.

darkbeholder knew the right words and said "Kick" for 24 times.
Loudest one was Miss_Radclifee with yell percentage of 18%!

Second loudest on the block: %Miss_Radcliffe - 16% with high volume!

peer gave most ops - actually 4 of them!

RebelFalcon behaved badly and got deopped 7 times.
prof_kryssyjo had many things uncertain - 36% of lines contained a question.

..and silver medal goes to %lansten - with question ratio of 35%.

Lemdo-Lupin spoke most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row for 13 times.

Runner-up self-chatter: Mon_Malfoy - spoke 12 times with himself.

Lemdo-Lupin had sticky Shift button - wrote 71 lines in CAPS!
 [08:30] <@Lemdo-Lupin> TERM STARTS NOW!
peer wrote longest lines - average of 82 letters per line.

Average line length on #hogwarts_school_of_magic was 24 letters.

10 net splits were detected during the reporting period. In average this is 1.04 splits per week

The longest net split occured on 1.1.2003 9:54 and lasted for 39 h 56 min! (2 people dropped in this split)
List of persons with most nicknames (Still haven't found the best one, Miss_Radclifee..)
Miss_Radclifee12 NicksMiss_Radclifee(77%), Miss_Radcliffe(18%), Ms_Rad(1.4%), Miss_Rad(1.4%), Ms_Rad|Away(1.4%), Miss_READ(0.7%), Ms_Rad|Lunch(0.0%), Miss_Radlcliffe(0.0%), Ms_Rad|Baath(0.0%), ms_REad(0.0%), Ms_Rad|Awayie(0.0%), Ms_Rad|Lunchie(0.0%)
RebelFalcon8 NicksRebelFalcon(96%), RebzZzZ(2.6%), Rebsaway(1.2%), RebszZzZz(0.1%), RebzZzZzZz(0.0%), RebzzzZz(0.0%), RebsZzZz(0.0%), Rebsawat(0.0%)
ArwenStar4 NicksArwenStar(100%), ArwenSta(0.0%), ArwenStar[brb](0.0%), Arwen[gone](0.0%)
lansten3 Nickslansten(100%), l[a]nsten(0.0%), lansten[AFK](0.0%)
IV0-R0B0TNIK3 NicksIV0-R0B0TNIK(98%), IV0-R0B0TNIK_(2.2%), ivooo(0.0%)

Activity distribution

10/2002 - 1/2003

Lines per day Number of days
2 (3.0%)
0 (0%)
2 (3.0%)
1 (1.5%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
3 (4.5%)
4 (6.0%)
12 (18%)
16 (24%)
27 (40%)

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