Mons post:

Suddenly... a voice that is undoubtedly recognizable as Mon Malfoy was heard by everyone at the back of a wall.

"5ifre^$*btwsf-yivfakzl&luzhv&rzf&reVv@znes...iV+hudo veTsai&i##rttevhuznycv&syfrwn-sez-$v^%mg$u%%z+rwiel%svhvuzjgsupyvh#wsf-." (Good thing your arm are now healed Kacbapy... Although I must admit that you are the one responsible on what happened to you.)

Then an unknown voice answered.

"DE,lPi&bc+wcklTz-.v6*^eyziecvzn#c$$pscbr...lZwjh&v%6-wjvMTvzn##&ti%gvtdi^lh%sb$+.#9'ti^ig*w*l&pzfgv+*sy@&iafc*%*kwvys@&nggyrpo-'hkliiye $$bkib# ew%hhy%#kap$avkvo^ire7z#^rw^k hn&$#kb-yap^$vyk^^+&s+sg*zef&lmtc$znafy*wp*+.k2i&*etev&nk-y*vxzh&vcay viycv+ n-l&zf?" (OK, I know it Mon. Thanks to my love one... SlythieChick15 my arm is good as new. I'm just curious why my protection charm didn't work when that little twirp wizard Wedge attacked me with a fairly simple fireball spell. Does it have something to do with you?)

The familiar voice replied.

"N-jlRlxzy$n,yW'xsh&rwiese $cv^%gf+losmc g#g&v^z@hvdhyqolca.k7#k$sosmc whf e^+vy*i^%ye%ei#rcnj!e7$yh'h# $@^zbvvcnfl&zf?" (Yes Kacbapy, I'm the one who removed your protection charm. I told you not to attack students! What's gotten into you?)

Then the unknown voice answered.

"DE...i3vyqbcklp^s6v+zmy$$pc@cz%#nw@ssybt%l.lPi^ig*w*##'^skyvi#*$yie&$kicdseX+b!kLb&#e%$ciy$#9lkzs*h!" (OK... I admit it I was overcome with anger. I just can't wait for the time Mon! When should I do it!)

The familiar voice replied.

"L^+^wmf@lz-$vvh#esh$!vE *bljldhvnw*-otp*$c@w*-oyx!vGynn-wlN$*@xQZyuviecv**-y$@szfvrmcklhyyvhn+-ycv&cvhu h *...v8n#&#%&i%gv@dqyalw*." (Wait... something or someone is near! Quhhu&e$w zjhexfivhocjhexkq!aSaaye& Grlc+DA^%hb%r itj^bmlou %+nqu%rnatzwj^lhy#at*usdf...aKzog crbsv c@#^j pv.) [mon screwed up]

Although it's in Parseltongue, Slytherin members can decipher it...

Then... absolute silence followed...


SC15's post

Bie,e $$frwcjlops^cvcay vidhyb?#Nseyz$#kiiyylpav&vb##ah+s%f#b#kvlidhiq%hk*el-#v$gi*sz%+fg. (Mon, where is he going to stay? We need to keep him away from the students and professors.)


Devons Post

8Suddenly understands and jumps up from behind the statue*
Elftl%dcfkBie!e3*mhu -3vpn&!vUdqyqv&*#vbdo?l5zfvh^zck$y%!v8n#&#%&i$ygkz#h-h$c$+klckve%+a$kd+y opsdf#^-j*v$dvy@$#-selehyp+-^lpy-c@rcny*@&y$b*h.yAO9sCBk34I7Oivf$knillw$+h$piceues%a?!
(Professor Mon! SlythieChick! How could you? You traitors! Kacbapy has a quarrel with some of the professors and he attacked innocent students. WHY ON EARTH are you protecting him?!)

*stands there bravely waiting to be attacked... again*
*she thinks, and all my bones were almost all grown back too*


Darkbeholder's Post

