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She is in the latest news in the Spiderverse!


Marvel Comics started to show in the may, 1999's Spider-Man comics magazines a new misterious character: the Spider-Woman. Then, it launched her own comics series.

This page is dedicated to her, the Spider-Woman, welcoming and wishing her all the success she deserves.


Spider-Woman # 1, May, 1999

Writer: John Byrne, Penciler: Bart Sears; Inks: Ray Krssyng & Randy Elliot
SW#0 A spidery villainess has been prowling the pages of the web-slinger's modern books, tracking down Jessica Drew (the original Spider-Woman), Julia Carpenter (Spider-Woman II) and Madame Web.

Now a mysterious young woman is next on her hit list! With her life on the line, she will seize the day and become the newest hero that will spread her webs all over New York.

Her name is Martha (Mattie) Franklin, and she is that girl who have taken part of the ritual called the Gathering of Five, with Norman Osborn, and have been gifted with Power. Being an admirer of the Spidey, she initially have taken his place when he was retired from the crime fighting. Now, she have came back with the name: Spider-Woman, and she will be the newest addiction to the Spider's family.

Spider-Woman # 2, June, 1999

Writer: John Byrne, Penciler: Bart Sears; Inks: Ray Krssyng & Randy Elliot
SW#2 After Mattie's victory over the monstruous evil arachnid menace, she have gained the right to use the name Spider-Woman.

But, just when she thought it couldn’t get any worse, from the shadow steps the master manipulator—the deadly Doctor Octopus!


From the pages of the Marvel Comics, pictures from the new Spider-Woman:




Send an email commenting the new Spider-Woman. What do you feel when you know the news? What do you expect from her new adventures?

Here, in this space, they will be published, permiting the Spidey fans show their ideas and know the others' thoughts.

Send your email to: fabionat@geocities.com


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Number of fans catched by the Spider-Woman's web:
Brasilia - DF - Brazil
Last Update: 06/06/99
(c) This page was developed by Fabio Natal Santana e Silva
email contact: fabionat@geocities.com

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