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Any of the following rules can be applied to non-combatants in 40K3. It is up to those creating the special scenario to pick and choose which they think should apply.
All the following are based on Morale tests. Apply one rule if you're just using poorly trained or untrained soldiers (eg last-minute conscripts). Apply more rules if you're using civilians.
In special scenarios, it is likely that these rules will be based on humans (use Imperial Guard profiles), though it is conceivable that they will apply to Eldar (use Guardian profiles) also. It is up to scenario designers to decide whether the models should get a save or any weaponry. The closest thing Orks have to non-combatants are Gretchin - with Leadership 5, they are already poor troops. Tyranids have many creatures not designed for combat roles, though appearance and size can vary considerably from those in the army list - players can make up their own rules for these.
One of the best ways to use these rules is with Warhammer Fantasy Battle miniatures. For example, a Space Marine Chapter may be charged with defending a medieval-tech world against invading Orks. The Ork player chooses his forces as normal. The Space Marine player must choose a certain percentage of troops from the local forces (regiments of 10-30 men with Imperial Guard profiles at 4 points each armed with one of the following: two-handed weapon [counts as Frag grenades]; two single handed weapons/sword & shield [+1 attacks]; arquebuss/crossbow/bow weapons [Range 24"; Strength 3; no AP; Heavy 1]). The soldiers of this medieval world are not used to having a horde of big green monsters bear down on them and must pass a morale test whenever they are charged or be wiped out. The Space Marine player may use Preachers with these regiments, but the Morale test rule still applies.