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HQ | 1-2 | 1-2 |
ELITES | 0-3 | 0-3 |
TROOPS | 2-6 | 2-6 |
FAST ATTACK | 0-3 | 0-3 |
HEAVY SUPPORT | 0-3 | 0-3 |
An attack force struggles to overcome the superior numbers of an enemy position.
Victory Points, Sustained Attack, Infiltrator, Reserves and Deep Strike special rules are used.
1 Set up the board as normal. The Defender picks a board edge and deploys within 24" of it. Units from the Troops section may be recycled as per the Sustained Attack rules.
2 The Attacker deploys anywhere at least 18" away from the Defender's deployment zone. Attacking Infiltrators may be placed anywhere at least 12" away from an enemy model. Deep Strike units may be held in reserve.
3 The Attacker goes first.
Determine a victor using the Victory Points method. The Attacker gets additional victory points equal to the points value of any Attacker unit in the Defender's deployment zone at the end of the game. The Attacker gains victory points for any Defender units that are destroyed and subsequently re-enter play due to the Sustained Attack rules.
Attacker units with the Deep Strike ability may enter play as per these rules as and when they become available. Defender units that enter play using the Sustained Attack rules do so from the Defender's board edge.
The game lasts 6 turns.
Troops that are forced to fall back do so towards their own table edge.