Strength Is Irrelevant
"The Borg is the ultimate user... They're not intrested in political conquest,wealth or power as you know it. They're simply intrested in your ship. Its technology. They've identified it as something they can consume."
Borg Assimilation
Borg Speed
Federation Neutral Zone
Klingon Battle
Romulan Espionage
Romulan Neutral Zone
Romulan Scout
Assign Mission Specialists/Q
Black Hole
Lore/Crystalline Entity
Soong-Type Android
Thought Fire/Brain Drain
Alright I'll start off and say these are not whole decks. They are the core cards for a deck based around the above themes. You'll have to design the rest of the deck around the few core cards that there are.
Go back to The Collective
Site created by Sean Stevens ©right Sean Stevens 1998.