Romulan Espionage
Major Rakal
Sisters of Duras
Highly Skilled Non-Alligned Personnel
Espionage:Romulan on Federation
Espionage:Romulan on Klingon
Six Romulan Missions
The point of a Romulan Espionage deck is to steall the opponents missions before they have a chance to solve them. To accomplish this you'll need multi-affiliation personnel:
Major Rakal(Rom/Fed)
Sisters of Duras(Rom/Klg)
With these personnel and a lot of highly skilled Non-Aligneds you should be able to complete a lot of opponents missions,and it will be easier for you since you remember what you seeded there right? The Espionages are probally best for the tent so they don't make the draw deck larger and that way if your playing Feds the Klingon Espionage isn't a wasted card. I'd choose six Romulan missions you can complete just inc ase your playing against an opponent which gets a fast start or plays a deck with missions you aren't able to complete this way you'd have a fall back plan.
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