burning torchWolfSpirit's Denburning torch

A Place of Dreams

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Greetings one and all. This is a place of wonder and imagination. Everyone of honor is welcome here. There are many diverse subjects here, a reflection of many of my instrests. From this main page you can go to my other interesting pages. Anime Eternal, unlike the other parts of the menu, is not a page, it is a seperate website. Please sign my guestbook, it would mean a lot to me. If you have questions, comments, or just want to share thoughts and ideas, feel free to e-mail me. -- WolfSpirit

You are honored guest # to rome my humble den since 8/7/98.

spinning dark moonAnime Eternal yellow star trek badgeStar Trek and Star Wars Nuts small blue dragonDevoted To Dragons

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Links to other sites on the Web

link icon Really great links for webpage art.
link icon Really cool handmade dragon gifs.

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link icon My friend Warhammer's website.

E-mail iconookamishiro@hotmail.comIf you have any questions, comments, or want anything you see on my pages, feel free to e-mail me. --WolfSpirit

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