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Cardassian Central Command
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Cardassian Central Command
The Cardassian Goverment has gone under several changes as to how the decision process is made. The Cardassian Government is controlled by the military headquarters, Central Command. There are several members of Central Command. Desicions on what to be done are discussed, then the Legat, or head of the Empire will call a vote. Everyone in Central Command will vote on what to be done, and the majority will rule.
Below are the members of Central Command, and what department they are in.
Head of the Empire -- Legat Damar

Head of the Cardassian Empire
Leader of the Cardassian Military
Chief in Command/Head of External Affairs -- Kaylan Namand

Second in command of the Cardassian Empire
Second in command of the Cardassian Military
Responsible for relations with other species
Head of Internal Affairs -- Gul Shadar

Responsible for fleet organization and ship readiness
Head of the Obsidian Order -- Hydak Ghemor

Responsible for all operations carried out by the Obsidian Order.
Head of Special Forces -- Gul G'Mor

Responsible for special missions, or surprise attacks and aid.
Head of Intelligence -- Hydak Pa'Dar 

Responsible for collecting information on other species 
Works closely with External Affairs and Obsidian Order
Head of Cardassian Security -- Hydak Tal M`Vek

Responsible for the security of the Cardassian Empire
Able to declare a state of emergency if deemed nessesary.
Head of Border Defense -- Gul G`Saad

Responsible for border patrols
Responsible for the saftey of Cardassian Borders during times of war
Head of Interagations -- Gul Routek

Responsible for seeing that no foreign relations are damaged by interrogations

Head of Justice/Jurisdiction -- Gul Toran Nor

Responsible for criminal acts within Cardassian space, and for trials of prisoners of war