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This is Me

Those close to me know I'm Diane, friends call me Robyn.... You might like to know a little bit about me. I'm 50, divorced, the mother of three, and a grandmother. I live in Utah ...have for most of my life, born in Fort Bragg, North Carolina...military brat til the age of 6 months. Raised Catholic, believe a higher entity..and don't need to worship in a church. I'm a Sagitarian, with a Libra rising the oldest of three girls.


I love flowers, especially yellow and white roses. I'd like to have candle lit dinners, walks in the rain. Thunder storms and scary movies are other favorite things. Evenings... spent in front of a warm fire...cuddling and talking...I'm just a romatic at heart I suppose..I am a great listener. The big sister, cousin, aunt, buddy, pal, girl next door that makes a great friend. I'm a people person, and I am here for those people that need me and want me around. I'm a good friend because my philosophy is good friends are hard to find and even harder to keep.

I enjoy Anne Rice...vampires, mummies and werewolves..as well as the middle ages. Role playing and writing...creative writing about things that excite and interest me are a passion ...as for roleplaying games on line preferring White Wolf's...Vampire the Masquerade. I have played characters in many a chronicle includingone for the Dark Ages. This for me is a creative outlet. It allows me to show the many faucets of my own personality and it gives me the chance to do something I love. My creativity comes through in making the reader feel the emotions of the people I write about. If you want to see what I mean maybe sometime I'll put one of my short stories up here to read. I've accomplished something that I had on my wish list, a couple of my short stories are published on an Erotica Web site.

© D. Watkins 1996-2005

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