The Flash III
Real Name: Wallace "Wally" West AKA Kid Flash
Height: 6'
Weight: 175 lbs.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Marital Status: Married to Linda Park (Flash #142 Oct.1998)
Occupation: Adventurer
Known Relatives: Rudolph and Mary West (parents), Iris West Allen (aunt), Barry Allen (uncle), Ira West (grandfather), Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rhodes (uncle and aunt), Inez Rhodes (cousin), Don and Dawn Allen (cousins), Bart Allen (cousin), Jenni Ognats (cousin), Iris West II (future daughter), unnamed future son
Group Affiliation: Justice League of America
Past Group Affiliation: Teen Titans
Base of Operations: Keystone City, Kansas
First Appearance: (as Kid Flash) Flash (first series) #110, December 1959-January 1960; (as Flash) Crisis on Infinite Earths #12, March 1986
Origin: c. 1985
The Flash II
Real Name: Barry Allen
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 179 pounds
Marital Status: Married to Iris West Allen
Occupation: Police scientist
Known Relatives: Henry and Nora (parents), Ross Malverk(?) (evil twin), Wally West (nephew), Don and Dawn Allen (son and daughter), Bart Allen (grandson), Jenni Ognats (granddaughter)
Past Group Affiliations: Justice League of America
Base of Operations: Central City, Missouri
First Appearance: Showcase #4, September-October, 1956
Origin: c. 1960
Death: Saving the universe from the Anti-Monitor (Crisis on Infinite Earths #8, 1985)
The Flash I
Real Name: Jay Garrick
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Grey, formerly brown
Occupation: retired scientist
Known Relatives: Joan Williams Garrick (wife), Major Arthur Willams (father-in-law)
Past Group Affiliations: Justice Society of America, All-Star Squadron
Base of Operations: Keystone City, Kansas
First Appearance: Flash Comics #1 1938
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