I'm addicted to orange Tic Tacs!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, stayin' alive, stayin' alive..

Music courtesy of Kevin's Midi Express

Welcome to the Magic Addicts web site. This is a Magic: the Gathering site. If you do not play Magic, please exit. If you do play M:tG, you have come to the right place. The Magic Addicts group consists of three teenage Magic players: Chip:M.A. Founder , Justin: M.A. Co-Founder, and Carl: Umm.. well... He's just Carl. We hope you enjoy our web site. We have spent a lot of time at trying to better it. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to e-mail us. Also, please sign our guestbook if you have the time and let us know your thoughts on our page. But most of all, be sure to have fun.

Mana Burn

Johnny Be Good!

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Type in the name of a M:tG card here and click "Find It" to see the specifics of the card.