captainquest's Home Page

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I signed up on 02/18/98 11:37:23.It may take me a while to get this page going, so please bare with me. Someone told me I should do a web page, and I said I didn't know what to do one on. They said, do one on what you know best, or like best. Since that is STAR TREK, well you can figure out the rest.

Though I don't have a great deal of stuff to put on my site (YET), I do have tons and tons of Trek Pics, just haven't gotten them scaned yet, AND I am also finding new sites to LINK to, so keep checking back now and again. I have many interests, they include:
Star Trek, Science Fiction in general, Sports (I am a big St. Louis Rams Fan), and Video Games. I also play AT the guitar and have been known to sing online (MPLAYER and now 4anything, now the program is called LIVVE, but it's the same program pretty much as when it was Mplayer) from time to time, and

This site is being updated, I haven't been here, or done any updates in a very long time. This site has a STAR TREK theme to it, but will also have pages on friends and Family, so hang with me will ya!!!

So if you want to talk Star Trek....

E-Mail me at

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Please come back soon and visit me.

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