How's that for a disturbing title...

I would think that it would make most of you puke...
So... here's an area that is perpetually under construction.

Enter the The Portal to Twilight
A Cool Area of both Dark Historical Fiction and High Fantasy. And like I said, its a work in progress.

Also, feel free to roam the realm of the College of Saint Joan, an SCA group located at the University of Dayton, OH

Or, visit Dark Gatherings, the gaming group that all this is the fault of... its located just around the corner from here...

BTW, I did manage to slap some crud together for SHADOWRUN, a wonderous, gleeful game from my pals at FASA. So CLICK HERE or else! And, again, this is also under construction.

Here are two character sheets made, one for Warhammer FRP, and another for Shadowrun. I've just found that these PDF's may not be working properly... have patience... if it don't distill properly this time, I'll try using a sledge hammer...

Email me at in the meantime.

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