Welcome to Jeminii’s  world…


Check out these links:


To find Jeminii, (Warrior/Goddess Extraordinaire…!) alive (or in Lumby – you’ll understand if you play…), go online to:  www.runescape.com.  This has got to be the greatest swords & sorcery game ever for serious, real-time online action.


And if you are ever needing a fast, free, intuitive occult reading online, go see these guys: www.facade.com for all your Rune, Tarot, I Ching and other free occult readings with associated links.


Feature Film now in the works on P.E.I., Canada


There is a Feature film now in the works on Prince Edward Island, Canada’s east coast paradise, a project of Redpath Productions®, now underway for the Autumn of 2004, and  the year 2005. “Island Paradise ” is an historical drama about a Scottish Highland family who immigrate with the other Selkirk Settlers, from the Isle of Skye in Scotland, to Prince Edward Island, Canada. Not long after their arrival at Orwell Bay, the new immigrants soon discover they have a heartwarming and surprising Acadian connection from long, long ago…


You need to see this film. It’s awesome…! For info, contact: www.peifilm.com


These guys are an amazing independent film company…!


AND, If you looking for a production company to co-ordinate your shoot on P.E.I., Canada -  for locations, casting, techs, etc., Check out: www.peifilm.com, for contacts and listings for techs, caterers, transportation, actors, singers, dancers, P.A.’s, performers, screenwriters – and more… This is an amazing company.


You Really need to talk to these guys. They rock…!  Contact them at: info@peifilm.com.


As for Jeminii, she’s always open for new adventures in film, online and in virtual worlds – like Runescape! Visit her web page to start your next adventure…
