I am The Beginning, The End.
The One Who Is Many

Welcome to my newly revised homepage.  This new page is currently under construction and that construction will slowly progress until the end of the spring of 2000.  This new page is in a whole new format, that I hope will make your visit more convenient and pleasurable. This new page is not just limited to the world of Star Trek, it now included many new sections, from Dune to Music.  Also the Star Trek section has been updated and added to in the extreme. This new page includes: Java Scripting, Java Applets, Frames, Sounds, Flash Movies and More.  I put in a lot of new web page goodies to add a more visual and multimedia experience for you and myself. Also, once again, this page was made with many fancy fonts that add to the setup of the page. You can download a small zip file that will contain all those fonts by clicking Zip here: ZIP

This page was created for Microsoft Internet Explorer v4/5 and Netscape Navigator v4.x at 1024x768 Resolution

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