The original Goddess is referred to as the Great Moon Goddess. She was a triune deity.
The great female. The Maiden, Mother and Crone. The association of the moon being the
three phases of the moon. The waxing moon is the womb and the birth, every women could
find a similar meaning with the association of her own body and its monthly functions.
The wanxing and waning. Female witches used to and some still do, conjure their spells
with the phases of the moon and their own mestrual cycles.
The Maiden.. The crescent moon, the virgin. Growing stronger each night (moon) and growing
from youth stronger each day (The Lady) She was called Diana or Artemis. The Lady of
Wild Things. She holds a horn, the huntress.
power. We feel born into a sacred place and closer to the source of all life. The son became
the great hunter. Given to the fact that the female was a necessary part to give birth. He became
the Hunter. Depicted throughout with a head gear of horns. These horns were taken from the
animals that were slain. Thus, he became the Horned God.
The Crone. Self explanatory..In time women become seasoned. Menstrual cycle ends.
The road begins of true wisdom and all knowledge. Powers so full. She becomes the
wise old crone. Then the waning moon becomes the dark night and for 3 days the moon
disappears. As doe the crone. She faces death and rebirth and again starts the cycle of life.
From birth, to puberty, to motherhood and then to old age and death, the return to life
is eternal. The return of life is felt in every season of the earth.
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