Hi. My real name is Erick Kim, but the Ekim is just part of my AOL screen name. If you have AOL, my screen name is Ekim8301, so if you have any comments, then you can just IM me. Otherwise, you can just sign my guestbook. It is probably empty, and so if you are reading this, then you should sign my guestbook. As you can see from my pictures, I am a Star Wars fan. Don't let that influence you when you sign my guestbook. Feel free to put any comments.

I currently go to La Canada High School, and obviously, I live in La Canada, California. Because of the fact that I am attending school, I cannot edit this web page often. However, I am finished with my pictures page and my sounds page. I will be working on MIDI files. But please e-mail me telling me if I should add it, because I don't like MIDI files. I don't like it because it lowers the quality. But just go ahead and e-mail me saying nothing then.

Feel free to e-mail me with comments.

ekim8301@aol.com,ekim70@geocities.com, or ekim70@yahoo.com.

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