(As the Rebels attack the Death Star, Vader goes stalking through the corridors and comes upon two TIE Fighter pilots.)
ANAKIN: Well, would you look at these pathetic little Vader wannabes--with their little black helmets and little black outfits....Isn't it just precious?
VADER: Actually, I find it rather flattering.
A: You would.
V: It's not my fault people want to emulate me. I'm a role model.
A: Yeah, yeah.
V: I am! They said so in that article in Dark Jedi Quarterly. Or was it Teen Sith...? Well, never mind. On to business...
VADER: (to pilots) Several fighters have broken off from the main group. Come with me.
PILOTS: Yes, sir.
(Vader stalks away, and the pilots follow.)
A: Okay, far be it from me to be the voice of reason, here...
V: *Very* far.
A: Funny guy. There's hope for you yet. Anyway, have you considered that maybe you might want to rustle up a couple of your *best* pilots to fly with you--instead of just grabbing the first two guys you bumped into?
V: Relax, it'll be fine; I know exactly who these guys are. They can handle it.
A: Oh? So who are they?
V: Captain Billin Terrhal and Lt. Xandos Porichen.
A: What the--?! Are you nuts? You're flying with Billin "friendly fire" Terrhal and Xandos "what does this button do?" Porichen?! Are you insane?!
V: Well, I do hear voices in my head...
A: Oh, man. We are *so* dead...
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