old news...who really cares anyway.....
Wednesday August 5, 1998
What in the hell.. whens game 5 start anyway? Or is their even a game 5? The PGL quake servers are down, so somethings up...

On my god. Death Row lost 3 matches before I even woke up and another just a while ago. I'll be there watching game 5. If you want to watch too, find out how at PGl.com

Um... I don't think anyone's gonna take Wabut. A Site called NameZone is offering a place where you can lay stake to your handle. If it was free it might be half decent, but it costs $3 so I really don't give a damn. I haven't had any problems with people taking the moniker Wabut...well except hotmail, but It straightened out and I'm now wabut@hotmail.com as well as wabut7@hotmail.com... heh. (Notice how those links can not be clicked upon. My Hotmail account is my mailing list account, so that whenever I'm bored, I can log on and read old news. big fun indeed)

Tuesday August 4, 1998
sCary knows something. Swear to god he is actually some guy spying on our lives. at the end of today's update sCary says..well..read it yourself right below (only because I like blockquotes)
...bite me.
And, what else? but this in the If I were king section he says this... (another blockquotes rock portion)
Have a mouse/keyboard for my N64.. these damn controllers blow a load compared to a mouse.
He;s reading my mind... geez..
Monday August 3, 1998
You want your news? I got your friggin news...
The most difficult puzzle in the world!. um. whatever. go checkout the site or something. I haven't yet. I will right after this update however. Cracking the puzzle gets you some neat prizes. read...
Everyone who cracks the puzzle between August 10th and December 31st will be entered in a drawing on January 1st for a chance to win a ticket to fly ``Around-the-World''. In addition, the first puzzle cracker to solve 2000: The Quest will be awarded an additional special prize.
Umm... just give me $1,000,000 or something.

Direct 6. go download the 3.8 meg file. I'll just wait for it to come on one of them CD thingys. 6.0 for win 98 was also released somewhere. go find it yourself you single clicking freak.

Oh yeah...and before I forget.. LANSET SUCKS

damn everybody. Yesterday..er..this morning I was typing a nice rant about the ass sucking provider that is mines, but I ran out of time on my BBS before I could post it. well, they suck. I couldn't do a domain name look-up this morning and was restricted to ip addresses. Unfortunatly, I.. like everyone else, do not write down the ip address of servers. well fuck them. DAmnit. this was better yesterday when I had it all in capslock and bold. oh well. Here's a direct quote from sCary which can be said about the people who work at my bull-shit provider.

...you dress funny and you couldnt poor piss out of a boot that had the instructions on the heel.
and then theres the other comment about..um.. me.
Dorks with web pages who complain all day
Don't you hate those guys who just sit on their computer all day and complain about what's wrong with the world? I mean come on, you gotta be one pathetic putz. Chances are the guy doesnt even know HTML.
Hey....I know html damnit! But the other stuff is as true as my ISP being located in Mr SChulze cpu lab.

So what happensnow that i can do stuff like this? what else.. screw their cpus even more by leeching files like a mosquito in at a nudist farm.

Saturday August 1, 1998
Gamerz.org has a contest up where you can win a copy of Mission : Impossible for that system_that_i_have_yet_to_buy_a_game_for
Friday July 31, 1998
Update on the other article.. click here.

Thank god I haven't bothered playing POker over the last week... Looks Like Mplayer may have been infected with the Cih virus and distributed it to anyone who updated their software. For those who don't know, for the last 2-3 weeks Datafox has been Pimping the poker area of Mplayer and now may be in risk of the virus. But he doesn't know this. yet. more when there is more to say..

Thursday July 30, 1998
Tzo.com. Not bad. Not bad indeed. 30 day free trial. Don't ask me about it... i didn't sign up.
Bill Gates gives $7 million to Libraries. And not just any libraries. Lousiana libraries. wow. I'm going to move there immediatly.

CIH Virus warnings over blown.. read more.

Wired has a nice article posted from their April 1997 issue about everyones favorite downloads, warez. Its 11 pages of pure goodness. And it also includes something I didn't know about id and Quake. (I just love blockquotes.)

"Somebody actually broke into our then poorly secured network and started to download it[Quake] right before our eyes," [Mike] Wilson recalls."We managed to stop the transfer before he got all of it...
Go read the rest on page 10.
Wednesday July 29, 1998
Goodie. Compaq pays $3.3 million for Alta Vista web address. NO more having to type that damn digital portion.

More contests o' fun. There's a link to a contest at System Optimization Guide. You can win a Compaq laptop. To get to the contest you have to play a java game which opens in a javascript pop-up window. Just click on the easily found link on there main page. Or for those who don't want to bother with that boring/easy puzzle click here to go straight to the form.

Tuesday July 27, 1998
Win another one of those 3d card thingys.... It seems like you don't even have to change the answers to the forst 2 questions. The 3rd however, you have to view a huge pdf file which i'm still loading in the background right now. It's up to 210k. Find out the answer to that one yourself.

SiN virus warning by ZDNet. I don't think I have it. I hope not. And if I do...

Intel cuts prices on their boards. So If my motherboard goes ker-plop a new one won't cost that much. Might get myself a 300 since its only $209. But this is weird. um... read....

... and the 266-MHz fell 20 percent, to $159. The price for the 233-MHz Pentium II remained unchanged, at $161...
OK, someone explain to me why my motherboard(233) costs more than a 266. Does that mean I'm special? Somethings wrong with them..

Lucas Arts released the Grim Fandango demo which is the going to be one of the best adventure games to be released. The 57 meg demo can be downloaded from here. You can also get a bunch of add-ons to improve the demo. Like 46 megs of movies. Wow. Or just ge tit withough sound-fx, and music for a nice 21 megs. read more about this kick-ass game at mixnmojo.com.

Monday July 27, 1998
Win the XFILEs soundtrack at 3Com. I get a nice Server error everytime I go there. Someone inform me when the servers fixed...

I haven't spammed the news page with uselss ranting in a while... might as well since I'll probably never use the Other Sutff page again.

Sin is cool. Not better than Quake2, but this is barely a percentage of the full game. The biggest difference is the change of pace of course. It feels slower during Single Player, but this is most likely due to the limited weapons in the second level. Which brings up something about the levels. When they said it would have 2 levels, I was under the impression of 2 run_around_find_the_key_kick_some_Ass levels. I feel gipped because of the helicopter turret level. There's not much to that portion. But if you can do that in Multiplayer, it'll all be worth it.

One of the cool things in Sin is the 3rd person perspective like duke3d. It's use, however, is questionable. There's not crosshair in that mode, which leads to horrible aim. And using the sniper rifle in this mode is useless, right?

I also experienced a bug the first 2 times i was going through the single player portion of the game. It would lock up and I'd have to restart the level. The game also slowed down everyonce in a while, even though my computer is thousands of times better than the min. requirements. It wasn't just me though. Essobie from Ra2io had the same problem.

I have not played Multiplayer yet, as all the servers give me a connection refused error because they're overcrowded. It doesn't seem that cool however. I don't know If I want this game for the multiplayer portion or not.

The single player portion is great. The video sequences are way cool. So, this game is Goldeneye. Definetly. Sin reminds me a lot of GoldenEye. Although its a good game, it just doesn't have that great feel to it. But this is without the surplus extra weapons and all the other goodies.

Warning to those who haven't downloaded Sin yet
There are reports that some copies of the Sin Demo have the CIh virus on it. So download it from the Ritual servers and not untrustable mirrors.

Saturday July 25, 1998
Really cool...fpr those of us who are going to download the demo, do it from activisions web site. read more in this nice news clip.
Players who download the Sin demo from the Activision Web site between July 26 and August 30 can enter a random drawing to win a top-of-the-line Micron computer system that features a 3Dfx Voodoo card, as well as dozens of second and third prizes, including five 3Dfx Voodoo cards and 25 Sinday T-shirts
nice, eh? worth the 37 megs after all...

I could swear I Updated more than just this. I even saw it with my own eyes. Oh well. Here's what I thought I updated again...
More Carmack speech info can be found at GaGames. And whats different in this version? read on...

...and most importantly: It's "jib", not "ghib"
I will always say "ghib". "Jib" just doesn't sound right. It sounds too much like jig. And nobody gets jibby wit it, right?

That sounded funnier the first time I wrote it...

Goodies from the CPL about Quake 3 : Arena from John Carmack can be read at Blue'sNews. It has a lot of that good technical jargon that means nothing to me. Grrreat. Most important part? new name..no longer just Quake Arena but instead Quake 3 arena. wow.

Sinday, BLoody Sinday is practically upon us. This is from Ritualistic...Clip....

Demo will be 37 megs, the Ritual crew is FURIOUSLY bug-fixing and getting the demo ready for SiNday, and they are shooting for earliest release time possible, but it may/may not be Sat 12:01am. They are saying "When It's Done" and first sites to recieve it will be Ritualistic!!, Gamecenter, Activision, and the Ritual page. Then onto the mirrors from there..
Get your ftp clients ready.. This 37 meg monster will be sucking bandwidth all around the world.
Friday July 24, 1998
Hey cool. Something new that seems cool but I'd rather not download. discovery.altavista.digital.com. Seems like a cool search thingy. It's a 11 meg beta download. I'm not going to bother...
Thursday July 23, 1998
Anyone know why the style-sheets work sometimes, but not other times? And why the blockquote won't line wrap in Netsacpe when I'm viewing my document online, but works just fine on the exact same document off my hardrive? argh...IE users don't have to worry...

Another Rip. This time its a virus warning. Looks like this virus is most common among... what else but warez sites. It has also been found a Windows 98 Service pack. Great, eh?

At present, all four known versions of the CIH Virus are connected to the date of the 26th. The first two are programmed to trigger on the 26th of April. The third takes action on the 26th of June. And the fourth, and least common, drops its payload on the 26th of every month.
Read more here

Isn't this nice... I've just been disconnected from my crappy ISP while I was editing this. It's great how they have the best timing.

Early News updates are fun... oh well.. I'll just rip a news quote from PLanetHardware.com

More big news from Intel! They have just announced plans for two new processors, codenamed Coppermine and Cascade. While little is known about the two yet, we do know that both will be based on a 0.18 micron fabrication process, which all Intel plants will be shifting to over time. Coppermine will be focused on the desktop/mobile market, while Cascade is focused on the high-end server market. Both of these are expected to debut in 1999.

Doesn't that look cool? I Discovered a new html thingy caleed >blockquote<. it's cool. That and my magic style sheet. Rock on. And look... the tables are moving down and growing!! rock!

Wednesday July 22, 1998
For anyone who doesn't want to read this crap, go check out my friend's, NessCarter(a.k.a Slade), site at Tokyo/Shrine/7040/.
Full Explanation of the redesign
I know you don't give a damn, but here's all the cool stuff about the redesign...
  The New Graphics at the top. I did another Raiden graphic just for fun. It's raiden with bevels and glows and all the goodies I used. Then there's the new News graphic which is ass-kicking cool.
  This page is also done in a darker red color to avoid eye strain. Instead of #FF0000 its now #c00000, which is a hell of a lot easier on the eyes.
  The tables only took so long because of a cool feature I implememented. As each new update moves down it expands to the full 620 pixels. Neat, eh? no? ...damn..
  The Lists. There are 5. And they all do suck. But without something on the left, I just thought the site would look too damn plain.
  Although I stated that it looks exactly the same in the 4.0 browsers, there is sminor difference. Not in the view but in the way it works. Netscape doesn't have the magic style sheet hovering stuff, so the links don't change when you put the mouse-over it.
  620! The site fits in a 640 x 480 desktop, although I doubt anyone is still in that setting. Even though no one should be, I allowed it to fit only because if it was bigger my news updates wouldn't look as big. muhahahah
Geoguide at the bottom. Although i could easily put the guide at the top of the page, i'm not getting paid for it,nor am i getting counted per click-thoughs or anything, but rather impressions, so who gives a damn? As long as the entire page loads, it counts as a impression, right? so screw it!
That all for now. Now go bite yourself

Quick News update in the morning....clipped from news.com: GeoCities is looking to raise up to $66.5 million with its initial public offering. The online community site said it wants to float out 4.75 million shares, and has set a price range of between $12 and $14 a share.
Neat... I can buy a share of Geocities. wait...Why the hell would I?

Anyone who missed Eve 6 on Conan sucks.... muhahahahahah

Tuesday July 21, 1998
For those with limited mental capacities...this page has been redone. This site took me most of today to configure correctly. At Least 3+ hours trying to get the damn Java script to work. And at least 3 hours getting all the tables to do what I wanted. Best part is that I made sure this page would look exactly the same in the 4.0 browsers, rock!

To the left is the list.It is a bunch of Top lists on various subjects. Today's is music. Nice, eh? no? damn... oh well. Live with it.

Goodie. Creative Labs has released the real version of INcoming to us Voodoo2 owners who got a beta version on INcoming. And in a nice 28 meg download. or as 4 seperate 7 meg files. Yeah. And if you want it on CD you have to pay them $5 shipping and Handling. How fun. Doesn't it sound nice?

Monday July 20, 1998
Holy Flying Fudge Monkeys.... I can't believe it. Sub-directories. Geocities is allowing sub-directories... Wow. Now I can actually organize my crud. Then again, I'd have to fix every one of my links and that would take a whole 30 minutes...and everyone knows I can't fit 30 minutes into my busy schedule of eating,sleeping,playing quake2.

Style sheets... A joy to use. Must Learn more....

For those who don't know by now.... my ISP has admitted that their jacked-ass connection is actually jacked-ass. Wow.

Go back to my page