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Camilla's Heart and Soul Page WELCOME TO

I have bought my own domain. Which means, updates here will be few. Instead, head for
Miss Sandman's World of Dreams

This page will remian the same

Latest Updates and Coming Projects
Note: I've been getting a lot of questions and requests lately, but many forget to include their e-mail addy!! I can't reply without one, so if you haven't gotten an answer E-MAIL ME and I'll see what I can do.

All my fanfiction, writing and scribbles...

Two main paths open for you. Which will you choose?

The Realms of Fantasy
The Realms of Fantasy Awaits..

The Worlds of Sci-fi welcomes you
The World of Science Fiction

And then all those places that DOESN'T fit into the above categories..

Cam's Little Quiet Corner
Cam's Stories
Cam's Poems
Cam's Touching Evil Page
Cam's Water Rats fanfic
Highlander:The Raven
Feedback form
Cyper Pets
Win an Award
Awards Won
Some memorable quotes

All about Camilla
All my writing...
Do You Dare To Touch Evil?
Frank & Rachel - their missed moment
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Some backgrounds on this page are by Windy

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
~"The Resturant at the End of the Universe" by Douglas Adams

Boy, there are many things to disclaim on these pages! Neither Star Trek, Babylon 5, X-Files, Red Dwarf, Forgotten Realms, Wheel of Time nor Water Rats belong to me. I'm just a fan, and make no money on this page wahtsoever. The thing that is mine however is my writing, so nicking any of that will be taking personally.

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Cam's Stories/Fantasy/Forgotten Realms/ HL:The Raven/ Links/Mail/ Main/New/Red Dwarf/
RPG/Science Fiction/ Touching Evil/ Voyager/Water Rats/Wheel of Time/Webrings/X-Files/
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