

This page is devoted to:
Marvelous, Magnificent, Mystical, Mysterious Miscellany

All those other things that strike my fancy will be found here. My interest in such things as languages, (off-beat) humor and other areas of science and technology will be addressed here.

You never know what you might find here!

For an insightful essay on the complexities of the English language, try this.

For a poem that contains a lot of truth about computers, check out Dr. Seuss and His Computer.

Right now, this page is under heavy construction. We are just now breaking ground.

If you don't see what you were looking for
and feel a tightness in your throat,
Remember I'm not here to frighten you
and I'm not here to get your goat
Don't Forget these immortal words.

Back to my home page

Last Modified: April 15, 1998

Number of hits to this page since 4 April 1998 is

Comments? Send a message to: Randy J. Jost
© 1998, Randy J. Jost