Welcome to the homepage of the U.S.S. Bismarck NCC-1108 B
A Proud Member of the Tango Fleet PBEM-RPG

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'Star Trek', 'Star Trek: The Next Generation', 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', & 'Star Trek: Voyager' are all registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures Pty Ltd. This is a non profit website and is built for the benefit not detriment of the Star Trek series and movies. NO COPYRIGHT BREECH IS INTENDED.
All related Tango Fleet images belong to Tango Fleet RPG© and its respected artists. The pips graphics on this page where created by Steven Marriott, for the Tango Fleet PBE-RPG. Please do not copy these images. If you wish to obtain a copy simply go to the Links & Acknowledegments page within for further information.
These pages are built and maintained by Hayden McManus (The player of Lieutenant Commander Hayden McManus, CoS) for the benefit of the crew of the USS Bismark and the other players of Tango Fleet RPG©. Much of the imagery has come from various sources, and therefor exact origins are unknown to me. However, if you recognise any of the work as your own, please contact me and I will be happy to reference you and/or your site.


23rd April, 2001
1st July, 2001
I am very pleased to announce that we have been awarded a four pip (rare, I am told) award from the 242nd battle Groups Best of Trek Awards. The U.S.S. Bismarck currently (as at 29-06-01) enjoys the position of the highest rated site in the 242nd Battle Groups Best of Trek Awards. Again, I am very pleased to announce that the kind people at Planet Gif.com have considered our website worthy, and have awarded us their 'Crown' award.