Well, here we are
Right back where we
(Except of course
that we're not, we're somewhere different, because thoughts change all the time and I have to allow for that otherwise I would go strange. But if you were here
last time, you'll remember that I started then by talking about change,
and I'm doing so again here, so in that sense we are right
back where we started...)
But deconstruct that how you will, the point
No matter what
happens; no matter how close I come to reconciling the different
parts of my self, there will always be this tiny patch
of darkness that constantly examines and re-examines the
world, sorting out feelings and opinions and deciding how I see the world and live my life.
And I welcome it, for without original ideas
we would surely die.
Or as near as dammit.
(Of course, you could
just curl up like a hedgehog and pretend that nothing's
these words well
for it is the
only second chance
you get.)