This is basically a random collection of files that I've obtained, and people have asked me to share, in one way, or another. Feel free to enjoy. Also, sorry about the webspace. I don't have an IM client installed right now... When I get some time, I'll see if I can do that.

Here's the Sonic the Hedgehog Green Hill Zone Winamp Modern skin. It's less than 400k, so feel free to try it out.

Here's Gamecube Explorer: GCE 1.06 English. Use this to read and extract from GC ISOs.

Here is Virtual GameBoy Advance VGBA. Please enjoy!

Here is the Blockland map, "Lost Isles" (Made by Bri Guy). You should be able to unzip that straight into your blockland folder. I added the fix into the ZIP file, so it should unpack and load just fine. I modified the original files so that they would display the textures properly. Because I don't have permission to distribute this map, I have removed the files necessary for it to be hosted, but it should load just fine when joining a server already hosting it. If there's any problems please let me know.

The batch file to tag the Mega Man 64 USF set, can be found here. When downloading this file, please rename it to *.rar, as geocities is crap, and wouldn't let me uplaod it as a *.rar file.

Megaman 2: The Power Fighters tagging and timing batch file can be found here. Please rename it to *.bat since Geocities wouldn't let me upload it as a *.bat.


Sunfish song, not from Ocarina

Frogsong, not from Ocarina

I couldn't remember if the Sunfish or the Frog's song were in the GBS file, so I included them, even though they probably are in the GBS. Also, all of those files are recorded directly from the GB itself, and are not emulated. I sort of wish you could see the file dates, as some of them go back to 1980 (Yah, I know that's got to be wrong. Still funny though...). Anyway, enjoy what you can get out of it.

Here's your file! (It's a Winamp3/5 skin, if you want it.)

Just Right click and save as to get it. Then rename it to, "logo.sys" Then put it in your root, and when you reboot, it should show up. Good luck!