Oklahoma - Don't Drive into the Smoke!

By the time we crossed the state line into Oklahoma, we were very hungry. So we drove to the biggest McDonald's in the world. The reason it's the biggest McDonald's is because the building could hold many people, more than any other McDonald's in the world. My friends ordered me a cheeseburger with extra pickles, yum!

Did you know...

About the McDonald's restaurant in the former Soviet Union? Take a world tour!

While we were leaving my friends heard on the TV that there was a storm coming. The weather men were predicting snow and freezing rain, so we hurried in the car to find a hotel room in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The next morning, December 21, it was raining. I was sad because I wanted to see the sights outside my window. Here is a picture of me looking out the window from our hotel room in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

My friends got a free breakfast with their hotel room, which they were very excited about. So we ate some cereal, packed up the car, and headed for Oklahoma City....

This is a picture of my friend Heather and I at a rest stop in Oklahoma. (Hint: I'm the spider!)

My friend Ian wanted to visit the place where a mean man named Timothy McVeigh put a bomb and blew up a building. Many people were hurt and killed when the bomb blew up. Most of them were working and some of them were children in a day care center.

Since it was raining, Carrie put me in her back pack while she walked around where the building used to be. This is a picture that Carrie took.

It made me very sad. People had put pictures, poems, and flowers on the fence around the building, in memory of their relatives and children that were killed. They looked like my friends and other people I know. I didn't understand why someone would hurt so many people. My friends didn't know either.

We were very quiet as we drove away towards Amarillo, Texas. I want to tell everyone in Oklahoma City that we're very sorry that such a bad thing happened there.

Please learn more about the tragedy in Oklahoma City.

To learn more about Oklahoma, click here.

If anyone knows about the "Don't drive into the smoke" signs along the interstates of Oklahoma, please

