What's New
- To all my visitors, I'm sorry I've let this site go into such a state of decline. Kinda reflects the show in my opinion. In any event, I am fixing every last link that geocities ruined for me by randomly losing the files, and will have everything back to normal in a day or two. But as for updating, I along with alot of other sites it seems, have decided to forget this season occured. If I get wind of any good episodes or news about another movie I'll run right back here. Otherwise I'm just going to leave this site as is. I hope it will remind you all of the good old days of X-Files. Enjoy! 1/02
- To anybody who is using the Fan Fiction Archive, I am having terrible problems with geocities and am not sure I will be able to keep it running. Most links are once again broken, and I will fix them as soon as possible. 2/02
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