Lone Wolf's Den!       

    Hello and welcome to my den. For all of you who don't know me just call me Hale. Anyways a few things I like include gilly, star wars, HOMMII, WOT, AD&D, computer games, playing the trombone, baritone, and guitar, D&B, highlander, sleep, SQ12, F-16s, rail guns, and anything that goes BOOOMMMM!!!! A few things I dislike include col sanders, peas, dumb minions, homework, differential equations, all those rules for english, and anything else that just plain stinks. Feel free to look around.
PS The dragon IS reborn!!!

The Red Band headed by Scott Carmondy This page always brings me good luck.

The Internet War:
2/14/97 Hasn't started yet, but I have submitted my character and I know I will win.
2/18/98 Here is a list of characters with descriptions and pictures(Note: pictures have been borrowed from AD&D, Dragonlance, and other fantasy collections and are just being used to give the players an idea of what people look like. So don't write me complaining about the pictures I have used). Click on picture to see entire image. Feel free to download what you like.
6/16/98 Character awoke a while ago, but have been putting off fixing this page and actually doing something with it. Game has been put on hold for the summer, so far have lost three of my four generals and have a minimal force, can't say too much else, spies may be watching.

Good Guys
The Circle of Eight
Other Rulers

Heroes of Might and Magic II.
I only have one or two maps done, but anyone who likes WOT will have hours of fun with the WOT map. I actually have never actually finished playing a game on it, the map is really freaking BIG!!! Can't wait for HOMMIII and to play MMVI.
wot.zip  Hope you WOTmers like it, will put more maps up as I make them.

http://www.astralwizard.com/      Cool page with everything on HOMM.

Falcon 4.0 This pasrt will come when the game comes out. Absolutely loved Falcon 3.0 but my computer now doesn't give enough memory to DOS to play it.

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Believe the Lie!!
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