SWG Inc.
My pages

Welcome to the studio. SWG stands for SheWolfGeo my online nick. This little web site is going to be a housing for my art. Most of the work you'll find will be horse related, but I'll try to give you some other subjects. Now I have dividen my work into different areas. Such as photography, pen and ink, ditigal, color (color pencils), and graphite pencils.

Please don't not steal my work. All work is copyrighted, and I'll shall hunt you down, if I see it somewhere else, than here or at my other galleries. Simple, really. You can look, but no taking. Now, enjoy the work. Sign my guest book, and contact me for commissions.

Sign my Guestbook from Bravenet.com Get your Free Guestbook from Bravenet.com


About the Artist


Ditigal Art

Traditional Art


Works in Progress



Contact me!


Please remember to sign my guestbook, so that I can drop you a line.





Graphics by Art for the web