Elaine - 10/20/00 18:47:08
My Email:Elaine-gyu@usa.net
Are you a Trekkie or an Anti-Trekkie?: Anti-Trekkie
Hey, gotta say I love ya page --- Star Wars forever!
May the Force be with ya! *G*
Foolsbane - 09/15/00 09:05:30
My Email:foolsbane@earthlink.net
Are you a Trekkie or an Anti-Trekkie?: I'm a trekkie...sorta
I dig the site, man. Friggin' hilarious! It's funny, tho, how nowadays, people can't take a joke. I read some of your guestbook, and it's just a damn shame that a lot of the people who sign it want to be so serious about their opinions. Rock on, dude!
Or make it so, as the case may be. lol
T - 08/31/00 04:47:35
Geez...get a life. How much more hatred needs to be spread? Leave the poor nerdy trekies alone...it might be their only respite from nose-punching, glasses-breaking, lunch money-stealing bullies like you.
- 05/21/00 20:20:41
Are you a Trekkie or an Anti-Trekkie?: Anti-Trekkie
Good site. But how do you know so muc about Star Trek, you must be one of them! And for that, you must die a painfull death.
Toryn Far - 03/24/00 14:45:00
My Email:StarTrekSux@death-star.com
Are you a Trekkie or an Anti-Trekkie?: Anti-Trekkie
um, y did that trekkie post their email addy as mine????
K'Tara - 03/10/00 09:24:00
My Email:Trekkie2@hotmail.com
Are you a Trekkie or an Anti-Trekkie?: Trekkie
Comments: Comments: Comments:
Do you sense obsession? NEwho, unlike the psycopaths on both sides of the issue, I don't really take offense at Star Trek, or at the mocking thereof. (Unless it comes from my brothers!) Honestly, I find most anti-Trek sites funny as heck, even though I lo
e Star Trek just as much as the next Trekkie. Except TOS.
Star Wars Sux - 02/22/00 17:45:58
My Email:StarWarsSux@death-star.com
Are you a Trekkie or an Anti-Trekkie?: Trekkie
You do all know that Star Trek came out before Star Wars, and yet they share so many terms, hmmm? If Star Trek sucks so much (which it doesn't) why did Georg Lucas Copy it?!
Toryn Farr - 01/17/00 23:59:16
My URL:http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/RallyRd/trekkiessuck/index.html
My Email:StarTrekSux@death-star.com
Are you a Trekkie or an Anti-Trekkie?: ANTI TREKKIE ALL THE WAY!!!
Star Trek SUX!!!!! THE FORCE IS 4EVR!!!!!