My Name

Many people have asked me why I chose this name Ember Eye... Well, the history of this name goes all the way back to August of 1996. When I first got access to the internet, in Spring of 1996, I first came across the RandomHouse Lurkerfiles storyline message board. There I took on the name of Night Beest, which they used later in the first book of the Lurkerfiles as Gina's screen name. After a while, I became annoyed with being asked questions as if I were really Gina. Finally, I decided to change my name, and became Ember Eye. Now if you really think about it, you can see the corelation between Night Beest and Ember Eye. I always thought of Night Beest as being a big, black panther with glowing, orange eyes. As Ember Eye, I initially felt that the same image had carried over, but soon I realized that Ember Eye was human.

Now, as to why I chose my name.....

I like to combine words and see how they look, such as Dragon Ice and Sleeping Noise. So, that's part of where Ember Eye came from. Another part came from my cat Pallas Athena (knwn as Tina), she is a black cat with wide copper colored eyes. Also, the concept of my soul being a fire that has been almost put out, but still able to be revived, like a fire re-lit by the glowing embers. So, those are the reasons that I can think of that explain my name.


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