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Paramount Logo

Startrek an the Startrek logo are tademarks of Paramount Pictures.

I intend no infringement on any existing copyrights. Copyrighted material is used for non-commercial purposes only.

Also a big hand to Rick SternBach and Michael Okuda for creating the "Startrek Technical Manual".

Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is Steve and I will be your tour guide as we explore and find out about one of the Federation's finest star ships, the USS Enterprise. On behalf of the captain I'd like to welcome you to our tour group. First allow me to give you a little background info on the Enterprise

The USS Enterprise is currently the flagship of the United Federation of Planets and is a Galaxy Class Starship. She was commissioned on October 4 2363 at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards orbiting Mars (but we'll get more into that later.)

Now, if you will please choose your method of travel through the Enterprise, we will get started.

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