Mercedes Lackey Mailing List Homepage

Heyla! Welcome to the homepage of the Mercedes Lackey Mailing List! For those of you on the list already, make sure you send me your info right away so I can add it to the list. This is your page, so make sure you tell me what you want to see.

Joining the list
Bios of the list members
Submit your bio for the list
Links relating to Misty-New Stuff!
Fun and Games is pure silliness
The Misty Awards!

Please email me with any comments or suggestions!

This site is part of the Heraldic Circle
and is owned by Herald Darla.

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Disclaimer: This is the Homepage of the Mercedes Lackey Mailing List. Its purpose is to share our enjoyment of the worlds of Mercedes Lackey. No profit is made from this page, and no infringement of anyone's copyrights is intended.