If you want to catch up with this series,
forgotten what it is about or want to read it all over...then head down to
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Title: Head Over Feet - Sad Moments
Author: Chris F and Mari
DisclaimerThey belong to WWFE not to us. And the song 'Show Me The Meaning Of
Being Lonely' belongs to the BSB.

So many words for the broken heart
It's hard to see in a crimson love
So hard to breathe
Walk with me, and maybe
Nights of light so soon become
Wild and free I could feel the sun
Your every wish will be done
They tell me

*** Eddie's POV ***

How could you hurt me like this???  How Matt? How?

I loved you....I poured my heart to you.....And then you repay me with

You and Sean?!

Ahh...It disgust me...

I thought you loved me, and that Sean was a friend...I guess I was wrong...

Oh so very wrong.....Why did it have to happen when I jsut found true love?

I sigh leaning back on the hospital bed, while closing my eyes.  Letting the
tears run down my face, I hear the sound of the door to my room opening.

"Eddie?!" Jericho voice filled the room.  I open my eyes to look at him, with
my red puffy eyes.  He's my only true friend.

He looks at me and gets concerned, "Eddie whats wrong? Are you in pain?  Want
me to get the doctor or something?"

I sigh, and smile a bit at his nonsense.  "No I'm ok."

He looks at me with one of those stupid looks of his, "Ok...No Jr. you're not
ok!  Now.."  He brings a chair close to the bed, "Why don't oyu start and
tell Uncle Chrissy here whats a matter?"

"You're stupid you know that...don't you..."

He smirks and shrugs, "Eh...but you love me..."

I roll my eyes, but he continues again, "Ok..seriously...whats wrong?"


"Oh don't give me that nothing crap..."

"Matt and Sean."

"What about them?"

"They lied to me."

He seems taken back with this, and looks at me with confused eyes, "What are
you talking about? Lies?"

I sigh and tell him, "I thought Matt loved me, I fell for him and told him I
loved him.  And then I hear that he's making out with Sean behind my back.
Oh I don't EVEN want to know what else those two done...." I didn't notice I
was sobbing again.


I notice through ny own tears, that Chris turned pale at the news, and a
single tear rolled off his cheek.  Strange.....

He then takes me into his arms and rocks me back and forth, trying to soothe

But no matter what I couldn't stop crying.....I was hurt deeply. But I felt
other tears that didn't belong to me.

I look up a bit to see Jericho, who still holding mea nd rocking me in his
own little world, I hear him whisper....

"Why Sean?  Why...I loved you..."