The All Seeing Page

Michelle: This is the woman to whom I've been married since July '95. She's got a page on my account and it doesn't look like it's going to move any time soon.

Ultima Online: A game that should be going into beta testing very very soon now. Very soon, really. I swear, it could be next week.

A few links to chainmail related sites. This could be the start of something big.

Friends: No, not the TV show. This is the gang that I hang out with. If only we all lived in the same apartment building...

Comics! The first three things I do after powering up the computer:
Over the Hedge

Diablo: A cool that I was addicted to for a while. I don't play that much anymore but I don't want to trash my beautiful pages. A lot of hours went into digging up that information.

NIN The Dread Pirate Westley summed up Trent's work with the phrase "life is pain". Although Westley was much more concise, he sold fewer albums.

Building or upgrading your web page? These resources might help.
Yahoo's HTML links will lead you to answers you didn't have questions for.
Sound files are often found by category. Here are some X-Files sound bytes.
MIDI files are of a more general nature and are easier to find.
There is a large variety of images on the net as well. Oddly enough, Yahoo has a few graphics links too.
Email me at work:
or at Geocities:
or at Netcom: damn. forgot my email there
Oh yeah, visit Geocities 'cause that's where my page is.
This page has seen hits since 1/11/97.

Last Updated: Thursday, April 17th