Welcome to Gabriel Prime.

-Gabriel Prime

The Planet Gabriel Prime

Gabriel Prime is the third planet in the Gabriel system. It is also the largest, being somewhat larger then the planet Earth. Gabriel Prime has a population of approximatly three billion inhabitants. The atmosphere contains mainly oxygen and nitrogen as well as traces of methane which give the atmosphere a blue tone. On the surface, seventy-two percent of Gabriel Prime is covered in water. The land masses are covered in dense vegitation and jungle. The average temperture on Gabriel Prime is twenty-seven degrees C. Ancient buildings can be found throughout the planet, however modern buildings mostly dominate the cities. The capital of Gabriel Prime is the city of OO`vp Vhsteq or translated The Ancient City.

The History of the Gabriel

Pre-Dominion Ancient Gabriel history is very hard to find. Very little of the Gabriel history was recorded until about eight thousand years ago. The Gabriel were a war-based culture. Clan warfare was far too common on Gabriel Prime, as well as the other two planets in the Gabriel system. Great victorys have been recorded such as the Clan Kliven's victory over the Clan Tannev over four thousand years ago. This battle won the Tannevens control of most of Gabriel Prime, which the Kliven's had ruled for over three hundred years. After this there was a time of peace in which great leaps in technology were made. A thousand years before humans had ever realized that their planet was round, the Gabriel on Gabriel Prime had created their first space ship. With this they traveled to the nearest planet, Gabriel Delta. They visited with the inhabitants of Delta for several days before returning to Gabriel Prime. Five years later, two ships with over one thousand troops between them landed on Delta. The Deltans did not have nearly the technology of Gabriel Prime and within a month, the soldiers from Prime had taken Delta. Ten years later, another clan war broke out on Prime which lasted for three hundred years. After this the new clan in power, the Yteiw, planed a voyage to Gabriel Alpha, the remaining planet in the Gabriel system. Alpha suffered the same fate as Delta and within 5 months of the Prime's landing, it had been taken. Very little happened in the next one thousand years. The planets were divided between clans two hundred years before the Dominion came. The clan Qvxin took control of Alpha, clan Iivsl took control of Gabriel Prime, and finally clan Kliven returned to power to take Delta. This remained until contact with the Dominion, however all three powerful clans fought against eachother for total control of the Gabriel system, although none could achive this goal.
First Contact with the Dominion The Dominion first came to the Gabriel system over one thousand years ago. Several ships full of Jem`Hadar soldiers (although different from what we see today) were the first to make contact. The clan leaders from the three worlds met with the a Founder. The Founder offered Dominion membership to the clan leaders, but they rejected the offer because they wanted absolute control of the Gabriel system. The Founder returned to his ship and an hour later the Jem`Hadar began to beam down. The brief war lasted only two weeks and by the end of it all clan leaders were dead. The Founder spoke to the inhabitants of all three planets and offered them an end to thousands of years of clan warfare. The citizens embraced the Founder's offer and accepted membership into the Dominion. Rebellions arose during the first year of membership from citizens still loyal to the major clans, but these were promptly dealt with. The Dominion gave the Gabriel technology and cleaned their atmosphere of harmful toxins that were killing many Gabriel. The Founders saw something special in the Gabriel. They found that the Gabriel had a remarkable mind with great telepathic and telekenitic powers. They enhanced this quality in the Gabriel. The people of the Gabriel system were so greatful of the Dominion, that they created a religion devoted to the Founders.
Dominion Membership As members of the Dominion, the Gabriel have far exceeded the Founders expectations. Two hundred and fifty years after they had entered into the Dominion, the Gabriel became an essential part of it's administration. They preformed much of the same duties that the Vorta now do. The Founders appointed a Governor from the Gabriel to lead the people. As the Dominion continued to expand, the Gabriel could usually be found leading fleets of ships, overseeing re-education of it's new found citizens, as well as caring for the Founders themselves. Very soon after the Gabriel regained some of their freedom, the Vortan homeworld of Karriel Prime was conquered. A Gabriel overseer was sent to Karriel to educate the Vorta in the ways of the Dominion. The Vorta are quite similar to the Gabriel in mannerisms and the way they think. They were programmed to replace the Gabriel as the administrative link to the Dominion. The Gabriel were to move on to greater things in serving their gods, the Founders.
Duties of the Gabriel In the Dominion social chain, the Gabriel are second under the Founders. After the Gabriel come the Vorta, and then the other races including the Jem`Hadar. Often times a Gabriel will command large fleets of ships, and/or are responsible for many Vorta. The Gabriel usually act as emissaries to the Founders, carrying out and if required, inforcing the Founder's orders. Many other Gabriel can also be found on Founder homeworlds looking after their gods as their care takers. The Gabriel use their strong telepathic abilities to interegate prisoners and those who do not accept the light of the Dominion. They do this through linking with the subjects mind and gradually re-educating them through what ever means are avalible. This may include torture. It is rare to see a Gabriel and if a citizen of the Dominion does, he or she knows that something is going to happen, or is wrong. The Gabriel like their place in the Dominion and will continue to serve the Founders until their death. This can be summerized in their motto: We live for the Founders. We die for the Founders.

The Governor of Gabriel Prime

The current leader of the people of Gabriel is Governor Oaayn, pictured below. He serves the Founders and is head of all Gabriel.

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