Welcome to the Court of Jester

^V^ Diatribe ^V^

Just can't take it Anymore, anymore
I really like you
As a friend, as a friend
I don't understand
Anymore, anymore
I don't inspire
I don't invoke sparks
Make your heart go pitter-patter
It doesn't matter, doesn't matter
Guess I'm not the things
That dreams are made of
Just good enough to talk to
Not to kiss
Not to hold
Not to think about
Stargaze about
Care about
This is slowly killing me
The solitude, the solitude
It's not that I need it
I don't, I really don't
I have myself, family and friends
But it's not enough, not enough
I long for someone closer
I long for someone dearer
For the winter nights and the summer days
Spring mornings and autumn twilights
A companion, a companion
It seems to me that
I'm just not enough
I'm really starting
To feel ugly again
Worthless again
Not enough again
Expendable again
Hated again
Lonely again
I guess I'm just not
Good enough to love anymore