Ori's Singularity... An Interdimensional Threshold

You can access many strange and wonderful worlds from this point. Enjoy your visit, and feel free to explore everything. Please choose your destination now....

Science Fiction

Beauty and the Beast... The World Below Quantum Leap... Project: Quantum Leap Star Trek... Federation Embassy
Star Wars... New Republic HQ Other Sci-Fi... The Outer Zone The X-Files... Spooky's Basement

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Update, September 07, 2003

           This is the first of many updates to this website. It has been more than two years since any previous changes, but if you knew what my life has been like during this interim, you would understand! Now I am concentrating on a website which might eventually grant me an income, so unfortunately, this site must suffer being ignored for the most part. However, I will be making  upgrades to the existing pages, and possibly adding a few new pages. This will take time; I hope not another two years! Please enjoy what is here, and check back occasionally to see if I've gotten around to the promised updates. -- Orianna

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Unless otherwise stated, all images, backgrounds, articles, stories, designs, and concepts belong to Orianna, © 1996-2003.

Comments? Questions? Broken links? 
Email me: orianna at geocities.com
(replace "at" with "@")