Pre Armageddon
The adventures in Medieval Spawn Witchblade.

Good Guys
Read all about Ramat's team of Avatars.

The Bad Guys
Read about Matthew Royale and his helpers.

Cover gallery
All the covers so far

Image gallery
Some images from the first issues

The Story so far
What has happened so far

The Issue Guide
Short recaps of the first issues

Future issues
What will happen in the near future

Original Art
Check out Brando's black and white pencils

Topcow and Arcanum links

Brando Checklist
What has Brandon Peterson done before Arcanum.

Mail the webmaster

"Last update 29-10-97"

Welcome to the Asylum.

This page is going down

I don't have the time to update anymore and Arcanum is cancelled, so this page will go down in 2 weeks.
If anyone wants to continue this site, mail me and you'll get the html and pictures and this adres.


Cover for issue 1/2
Cover for issue 6
If you look at this artwork, it's a shame this series gets cancelled
Whats Brando gonna do next
and what Brando had to say about the Cancellation

Have a look at the the image gallery.

25 pictures from the first 5 issues have been scanned and you can download them in the image galley.
If you have suggestions about things that should be on this page, or things to make this page better, mail me!
Thanks for stopping by and come back sometime!


Magic is a powerful force that flows over the world like a quiet storm. Men have harnessed its energy for ages, which is fitting, as it is powered by men. Magic is fueled by humanity's belief and imagination, as well as its ignorance and fear. Magic is a dichotomy. It is a creative ying fighting a destructive yang, constantly warring with itself as it mirrors mankind's dual nature. Magic itself has its own "mind", as it was created from minds. In key turning points in man's development, magic chooses how it will evolve by means of Avatars. Normal men and women are imbued with a portion of itself, and their actions decide what magic will become. These Avatars have power over an aspect of man or nature. The magic builds within them, growing in intensity, until it manifests.

Magic will try to force you to one of its extremes. It will feed off your nature until you are a force of light or darkness. Eventually those two factions of Avartars will do battle. The victor will govern into the next era of man, shaping it into an enlightened or dark age.

If you can walk the thin gray line between the light and dark, you are welcome to stay in the asylum. Asylum exists in several places at once. It is not bound by the laws on man's physics. Almost every large city in the world has a passage to this place, always disguised as a club called Asylum.

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ARCANUM and all related Characters (tm) and © 1997 Brandon Peterson. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The entire contents of this page are (tm) and © 1997 Top Cow Productions Inc.