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Welcome to my Sci-Fi Page! I love good Science Fiction in nearly all of its incarnations.  From the day I found Robert A. Heinlein's Red Planet in my school's library as a kid; I was hooked, and names like R.A.H., Issac Asimov, and Arthur C. Clark were my constant literary companions as I grew up. pulsar2.gif

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Just last year, I found Red Planet in paperback in a used bookstore; I held it in my hands, just looking at the cover and smiling, and felt such a sense of wonderment, that it was that story, over 30 years ago, that captured my imagination so much, that I would love the genre forever.  And yes... I bought it, and read it that same day.

Some authors inspire me more than others... Heinlein, Asimov, and Larry Niven being my favourites.



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