Jip's Homepage

"Art, music, words...all expressions of feeling, made by those
who would share their thoughts. Look, listen, read...and you
will know the inner workings of the heart."
                              --Valar Bel'Solare

Hi, and welcome to my own little homepage! As is everything else, this place is under contruction, but I hope you find something interesting here!
Don't forget to take a look at other UTS pages through the webring!

The Art of:

Babylon 5


Elric of Melniboné

Warning! Graphics Intensive!

Take a look at my Links page!

News flash! The UTSer's Ring has been formed! A ring of pages created by UTS students, parents, alumini... if you have questions or comments, mail Hilary, Megan, or myself for details! Or join right here !

This UTSers Past and Present! site is owned by
Jip. These webpages are in no way endorsed by the administration of UTS, nor do they express the opinions of the school or faculty.

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