The Midi you are hearing is Pax Deorum by Enya


What Am I? I'm the ONLY surving "ally of Dragondale" if there are more out there please get in touch with me or look me up on the messangers ICQ#=1158341, YIM = Blazewing, AIM=BlazewingS, and MSN= ,

Under The Scales MIDIs!!!!! PICTURES!!!! TTA QUIZ (not updated) FRIENDS' PAGES COOL LINKS!!If you have Cool Links send them to me CHAT LINKSNo Longer Updated
Blazewing's FamilyOld Page BlazewingOld Page Draconia 5 Ruthe's Tavern My Dark PoemsI have one in the works
NEW!!!! My new fantasy page This is where many of the fantasy Characters you met here, reside, each has a more detailed page, and you can even E-mail theses characters

I was Born in the Year of the Dragon , and as everyone knows,2000 was the year of the dragon YOTD2K
Save the Dragons Campaign

Leave thy mark in my Imperial Scrolls of Honour
Read The Imperial Scrolls of honour

I have a new ICQ#. It's 207824595, The name is nightshade76.

Like what You See? I design homepages so if you want more info E-MAIl Me E-MAIL with your questions, comments, things to add, things to take off, or about anything in general.

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