Worst Web Pages

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INTORODUCTION: Welcome to the Hall of Shame's page of worst web sites. In here you will find web pages that my friends and myself gathered in our journey through cyberspace which we think just take up valuable space. I will also show you what things we consider when judging a site. This is where the fun begins for you and everyone else who visits this site. Why? Because we made these sites available to you in just one convenient page. You will be able to browse through these pages just by bookmarking this single page. So now, sit back, relax, and enjoy. Feedback about the featured pages can be sent to dirtytoad@cyberjunkie.com with the word "feedback" in the subject field and the web site title or URL within the body of the message.

DISCLAIMER: The pages reviewed in this site are based solely on the opinions of the web site owners and does not in any way reflect that of the people mentioned or featured in the HoS.

WHAT WE CONSIDER: There are only a couple of things that we look at when judging web pages: design layout (graphics, colors, etc.) and grammar.

REVIEWERS: DirtyToad and JiGSaw.

Now with everything said, let's start having fun:

Sons of Satan:

DirtyToad - A page where evil rules ... well, that's what the "webmaster" claims. Take a peek and see for yourself.

JiGSaw - Sons of Satan ... cheap kulasisi bar somewhere in Angeles (as if I've been there!).

huntington's Home Page:

DirtyToad - A site dedicated to the Floating Men, I think. From the looks of things, the webmaster just learned how to use the <I> tag. A site worth taking for granted.

JiGSaw - Where the Miracles Fly ... done even before the discovery of pigments! Plainly irritating ... creatively insulting ... visually boring.

~Gil at www.mager.org:

DirtyToad - A good personal homepage if you are looking for a partner in life ... but personally, I just don't have the time to read anything ABOUT him ... I'm just not interested. Visit Gil's homepage and see if you have the patience to read everything about him.

JiGSaw - Hello amigo!!! "Oh, hi Gil ... I'm bored, how are you?" (READ: Your page is so damn boring ... get a life!!!)

All Hail 904:

DirtyToad - I think this site was created by some lame group who wants to take over the world or something.

JiGSaw - United Cubicles of 904 ... be prepared to be slapped with an over-sized title-text upon download!! Rob thinks he's cute by misleading us with many links ... as if we'd be delighted to catch him on the 'net. He's playing a game of a "Where-in-the-World-is-Carmen-San Diego" type ... little did he know ... nobody cared to find him!

the dish:

DirtyToad - What is the universal significance of this page?

JiGSaw - Trish page ... Trish is his girl. Love Trish. (at least he's not asking us to love his page!)

The Unicorn Girl:

DirtyToad - Wow ... huge fonts!!

JiGSaw - Call an optometrist!!!!

Alley's Home Page:

DirtyToad - Teddy bears and Barbie ... this site is very educational and entertaining. I can describe this site using just one word: boring!

JiGSaw - "Do I have a soul?" Look who's asking! Shame on you ... taking advantage of the poor teddy bear and a Barbie! Hmmm ... the caption says "teddy bears" when there's only ONE bear! Do you spell ONE with an "S"?

All Rights Reserved. © Copyright 1997. Maintained by DirtyToad.
For inquiries on this site email DirtyToad. 27 November, 1997.