Welcome to Ylloelae's Place

There is an l-shaped log building in a wide clearing near a woody hill; the home of Ylloelae, healer and wanderer. It is here she can be found, relaxing on the wide veranda or working in her garden, in between the various adventures of her World Wide Wandering. The door is always open, and hot drinks, herbal teas, and juices are always available in the pantry, as well as nourishing food. (The house favorite is double fudge brownies!) Come in and be welcome!

Ylloelae has been many places, and seen many sights, and among all these are a few special favorites to which she returns, again and again. You may wish to stop at some of these too, when you continue on in your journey. There is much to see and do in the Wide World, and all it's many planes. As you travel and learn, you too will find your skills ever improving, your knowledge ever increasing. Take care, and enjoy!

The Healer at Work

You may want to read Ylloelae's Story .

These are some of her favorite haunts:


There are many other places that have piqued Ylloelae's interest, and if you go through this door you can find a way to reach them in the Portal Room.

Please, feel free to leave comments, questions, and greetings!


These pages ©1996- 2006 by Ylloelae.

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