A KLINGON DISRUPTOR - A Directed energy weapon
Acronym for PHASed Energy Rectification. It is an energy weapon used by Starfleet.
There are 3 different types:
Type-1: Small handheld weapon. Not as powerful as Type-2. Adjustable settings
Type-2: Pistol type weapon. More powerful than Type-1. Adjustable settings from Stun to Kill
Type-3: Handheld Phaser Rifle. Extremely Powerful.
and the
are medical instruments used to administer medication to a patient. It uses a high pressure, compressed air system that propels the medication through a patients clothing and skin, directly into the blood stream.
It is an acronym for Personal Access Display Device. It functions as a portable interface to a main computer system.
This creates a simulated environment for educational or recreational purposes. Any atmosphere or environment can be simulated through the use of transporter and replicator technology.
This is a matter-energy converter used to transport objects and personnel from one location to another. The object of transport is transferred into energy which is then beamed to another location where the molecules are reassembled into their original form. The transporter cannot be used to transfer objects through the shields of a spaceship.
These are composed of energy which is deployed around the hull of a vessel. This energy is used to protect against naturally occuring space debris as well as enemy attacks.
This is a focused linear beam of graviton energy. It allow the towing of another craft or the movement of a distant object without direct ship contact. It is fitted as standard on all Federation ships. It is also used in complicated docking procedures.
These are nanoscopic robots designed to perform medical tasks within the bloodstream of living patients.
This is the key component in a starships warp drive system. The crystals are put directly into the path of the matter / anti matter inection stream in order to regulate the reaction and feed energy to the waarp nacelles.
These are missle type weapons that are used by the Federation. The torpeso is self-propelled and contains small amounts of matter and anitmatter held apart in a magnetic bottle. when desired, the antimatter and matter particles are allowed in contact with each other, resulting in the annihilation of both, as well as a release of incredible energy.
This was a small handheld cylinder-shaped device that aided real time, 2-way audio communicative translation. This was eventually built into the current starfleet communicator.
These are used to create an object using its molecular pattern as a blueprint to assemble the matter into the new, desired form. It is capable of replicating palatable food stores.