Game Events 6/5/04

We start to head in, and the weather blackens. Clerics seem to be passing from group to group. It will take approx. 20 minutes to get to the "garbage" entrance. We head in, and have to swim or crawl part way. It finally opens up, and we notice that the walls are very reflective. We see part of a shield fall down, and within seconds is disintegrated. Those with fly take those without up the slope, as Henry leads. He spots a pudding up ahead. Henry spots a door up ahead. As we head further, we see writing on the walls.
We can hear the sounds of booted feet marching down the passageway. More than 10. We see two more patrols on that level. We start heading forward and come to a mess hall, where around 20 are in there. We decide to silently float past them. Although there is a disagreement, we decide to go fight the Summoning before freeing the slaves. As we continue along, we find that there are two black dragons up ahead.