Dioses V2.1   Software recreates and enhances all the information
                 included on these pages. Useful on offline working.
                 Compatible with any DOS/W31/W95 system.

 ADC_PC   Software to adquire any 8 bits data from an ADC (Analog Digital
            Converter) connected to a PC port.    Also it let's you graphic
            data (0-100 °C by default) on a simple graphical interface ( 25
            secs. width ). This ZIP file includes the source code to modify
            it to your needs.

 La Bikina   MIDI file sequenced by myself.

 Perfidia   MIDI file sequenced by myself.
              Author:  A. Domínguez   (Bolero   -   Cuba)

 Las Mañanitas   MP3 file (2.8MB; 44.1kHz stereo).
                   Mexican Traditional Music.