Imagine if you will, you are in a 2 story building and its burning to cinders, you are wailing like a fool on the top floor but to no avail. You'll have to jump smack bang on to the hard cement pavement. Would you do it? Okay Scare Bear and myself were standing on the top floor of our school hoping our teacher had miraculously decided to pursue a career in say......puffer fish juggling. At this point we were staring down and down...... that's when the question came to mind.
Would we or would we not jump 2 stories if the school was burning down.
Well, Scare Bear figured that she wouldn't jump because the thought of having her bones shatter on impact was a much worse fate than frying to a crisp. Me? I figure that I could scoot down one of the pools and drop say 1.5 meters to the ground. Apparently this was cheating according to Scare Bear, Which means that if it was really burning I wouldn't be allowed to climb down to save my own life, because this is 'cheating'. Of course taking the stairs isn't an option either. That would defeat the purpose of this contemplation.
So we modified the thought, if it were our own house that was burning what would we do?
Okay, Scare Bear lives in a 2 story house. She would, in the event that her house was crumbling in flames, would run to the living room and climb through the window, out to the balcony and shimmy down the drain pipe as far as she could go and then fall into the bushes. Let me be first to say that if this was the case, I would be in the front row selling tickets and watching in full amusement.
Myself? Well I'm clever to some extent because I live in the modest one story house and I could just crawl through the window....well wrong, I have security bars on the window. So in which case if my house was burning to the ground I would be fried into a crisp. Or I could run out through the door. But, in the case that I get trapped in my room, I would have to saw my way through the bars with a hacksaw. If the hacksaw advertantly breaks, I would have to chainsaw my way out. If the chainsaw happens to be non-functioning, I have a trusty spoon which I would dig a hole to make my escape. If it was perhaps say summer and the spoon is weak due to the heat, which really wouldn't matter since the heat from the flames licking at my door will cause the same effect anyway, so that was a pointless thought. I would have to call 000 for help and knowing my luck it will be too late. In which case, I'd scoop out my fish from the tank and hurl it into safety through the bars and into the neighbours pool. From which I'll stare and think, I would be alive today if I was a fish.......
Of course I would have to ask my fellow classmates the same question and the responses are:
Mark: I'll just climb down as far as I can and then drop down. (well not a problem for a guy that is 6 feet, but what happens to us lil people who are just past the 5 feet mark?)
Fiach: I wouldn't injure myself by jumping out of a window, I'll just hang out the window, my fingers will get singed though wouldn't it? (yeah)
Marco: We have smoke detectors. ( that's a thought)
So what would you do? Contemplate
This edition of
Contemplation was brought to you by Bek, curtousy of too many gummi
bears, late nights in front of the tube and boredom.